Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lie to Me

Season Two, Episode Seven


SHE likes knitting. HE likes imabic pentameter. In this episode, we learn about the Hobbesian nature of Sunnydale, how existentialism trumps brain cancer, and George Clinton.

Angel’s Heart

HE: Look, it’s a magical playground! Nobody is on that merry-go-round, and yet it’s moving.
SHE: I’m getting dizzy.
HE: That’s why you don’t play video games.
SHE: True. There is nothing creepier than meeting Drusilla in a playground after dark.
HE: This kid should be running like mad from the crazy woman in her nightgown.
SHE: Kids just don’t have any sense anymore.
HE: That’s a nifty rescue by Angel Just pops out of nowhere.
SHE: And he’s more frightening –looking than Drusilla is.
HE: Geez, insecure much, Buffy? Nikki Woods the slayer would have been all up in his junk, tearing him a new vamphole.
SHE: His other relationships are a source of insecurity for her. She never has to meet Darla, fortunately.

Buffy’s Old Crush

SHE: Ah, precious sunlight.
HE: Jenny’s back! Giles is so nervous about their date. Hey Giles, where’s your gypsy sense of adventure?
SHE: You got to wonder what she’s thinking.
HE: Oh, I don’t wonder. Dang, double entendre much, Jenny? It’s like an all-the-time thing with her.

HE: Giles is just now researching Spike? Glad you get could around to it
SHE: Maybe this is tax season, and he’s been busy with other things.
HE: Is tweed deductable for a librarian?

HE: Willow and Buffy passing notes in class…so quaint!
SHE: Do they still do that, sweetie?
HE: No, they just talk over you now and get irritated if you interrupt.
SHE: Did you enjoy Cordelia’s perspective on Marie Antoinette?
HE: I enjoy Cordelia’s vision of history. I wonder what her take on the Medicis would have been.
SHE: I guarantee you she wouldn’t get all Miniver Cheevy about it, that’s for sure.
HE: Damn, nice allusion!

HE: Billy Fordham…it’s great when Xander has to be jealous of humans.
SHE: Xander is jealous of everyone. He secretly loathes himself. Hence the shirts.
HE: It was just mean of Joss to make Buffy reference the Divinyls’ “I Touch Myself.” There is no conceivable innocent meaning to it. Even Willow should have been able to figure that one out.
SHE: It was a bridge too far.

HE: Xander makes an interesting point here: “Geez, doesn’t she know any fat guys?”
SHE: She is chummy with the good-looking ones, apparently.
HE: Except for Xander.
SHE: At least he makes jokes. That’s his contribution.

Ford Knows

SHE: Angel’s caught in a lie. Staying in, reading. Buffy is trying to punish her man here.
HE: At least Angel’s hair looks much better in this episode.
SHE: They made him more pale than usual. Therefore the lipstick.
HE: I was going to mention that later. OMG the guy at the bar’s hat! Take it off! Take it off! You’re inside! And it’s hideous!
SHE: I missed it.
HE: You’re lucky. He looked like he was trying to channel Mr. McGoo or something.

HE: “You’re not wrong.” Xander’s all-purpose quip. And effective.
SHE: It’s a little passive, but then again, it’s Xander. Made me laugh both times, though.
HE: Are those tiny monkees on Willow’s shirt?
SHE: I thought it was just a busy design.
HE: A busy design flinging poo on my eyes.

HE: What, Buffy smelled the vamp from around the corner?
SHE: She heard the crash. Did you not hear the crash, deafo?
HE: I wouldn’t be a very effective slayer. Especially since I’m a boy.
SHE: And deaf.

HE: Meanwhile…at the speakeasy, I mean the foundry. No, I mean a bomb shelter. The welder is a nice touch.
SHE: Great music in the club.
HE: The goofy guy with the Lestat costume cracks me up. Marvin (Diego) looks like a magician.
SHE: He really does. I mean, purple?
HE: Where in the world is Marvin Diego?
SHE: They keep showing “Dracula” on the TV. I get it.
HE: Good thing they weren’t showing “To Wong Fu…” That would have been awkward.
SHE: More stylish, though.

Angel Needs Help

SHE: I think it’s great Angel’s stalking the new guy. Jealousy is sexy in a boyfriend.
HE: He claims there’s something not right about him. Yeah, the something “not-right” is he existing. Meanwhile, here’s Angel making a booty call on Willow.
SHE: It’s not actually a booty call, but a Google call.
HE: Ha ha! I like the freaked-out look on Willow’s face when she turns away after inviting Angel in.
SHE: She had to get her bra off the bed. I’m shocked you didn’t notice.
HE: Actually,I did notice, but I’m refraining from commenting, because that would be crass. Willow is wearing that blood-red lipstick. But it's not as shocking as Angel’s.
SHE: He looks very pale in this episode, as I said before.

Touring Sunnydale

SHE: I can’t believe Buffy is taking Ford along to fight vampires.
HE: I can’t believe there’s a sidewalk two feet away, and they’re walking on the grass.
SHE: What are you, the lawn police?
HE: I also can’t believe that she buys Ford’s explanation about killing the vampire.
SHE: He’s an old friend. She wants to believe him.
HE: I have old friends too, but none of them can slay vampires.

The Sunset Club

HE: Angel actually does kind of fit in at this club.
SHE: Especially since he bought the same clothes at the vampire store as that other dude.
Here’s a thought: vampire Garanimals.
HE: Don’t you mean, Grrr-animals? Lookit! This scene attacks all the stereotypes and preconceptions about vampires!
SHE: It’s kind of hoaky.
HE: These are the vampires that the teenagers are wanting to emulate? Not The Lost Boys?
SHE: You’re teenagers! Don’t you want to be cool and undead?
HE: Chanterelle at least is trying. She got poured into that dress.
SHE: And apparently vampires wear a lot of make-up.
HE: Angel can tell you that. There were a number of nifty one-liners in this scene. Xander had a couple: “Sure thing, Bossy the Cow.” And when tells Angel: “You really are a people person” after he crushes Chanterelle.
SHE: And Chanterelle’s all boo-hoo: “Other viewpoints than yours may be valid, you know.”
HE: She’s an idiot, but she still has feelings, Angel. You notice how Xander’s big mouth makes trouble on the way out?
SHE: Because they get noticed by the one dude.
HE: Why do they have him around?
SHE: He drives the plot wagon…over the cliff.

About Drusilla

HE: Giles faked interest in monster trucks to be with Jenny. I would never do that. That’s dishonest.
SHE: Yeah, I know. You like techno.
HE: That old saw. I like Jenny’s jacket. It’s cool.
SHE: Drusilla killed by an angry mob in Prague. Not true, of course.
HE: Where does Giles get his information? And someone tell that vampire that you have to check those out! You just can’t take the book and leave! A buzzer should have sounded, or something.
SHE: If I were Giles, I would have tackled the vampire and taken it back.
HE: You’re hardcore. That’s why I love you.

Ford and Spike

SHE: You ever notice how the minions are always vamped out?
HE: It’s like they’re too young and stupid to know better. They need someone to stand next to them and say, “Dude, you’re still vamped out.” Sort of like when someone says “Psst! XYZ!”
SHE: Maybe it’s a hormone thing. Like a teenage boy being excited all the time.
HE: If I were a vampire, I’d only vamp out for special occasions. Not because I was bored and there wasn’t anyone in the house.

HE: Spike’s voice starts shaking when he talks about Angel too long. He doesn’t like him much. They must have a history.
SHE: I detected that as well. He loves her, even when she makes him really, really, really mad.
HE: “The bird’s dead, Dru. You left it in a cage and you didn’t feed it and now it’s dead, just like the last one.” That’s harsh. On the other hand, Spike must get tired of visiting pet shops at night.

HE: I spy with my little eye: a douchebag! And his name is Ford!
SHE: I think Ford is pushy. I don’t like the way he takes over the scene and makes Spike say that stupid 30 seconds line.
HE: “I’ve known you for two minutes and I can’t stand you. I don’t feature you livin’ forever. Can I eat him now?” Why even ask, Spike? Just do it. We’ll all understand.
SHE: It’d make for a short episode, but we’d applaud.
HE: It’d be an interesting twist, and the advertisers certainly would go for it. I just couldn’t get a fix on him. When he was with Buffy initially, he seemed cool. Now he seems like a total dweeb. Later on he seems dark and brooding. My head’s spinning, Joss!

Angel and Buffy

SHE: Angel is so polite, asking to come in.
HE: Of course, he’s coming in through the back door. Was he out in the yard, spying on her again?
SHE: He probably saw the light on in the kitchen, and went around back.
HE: But they’ve got that fence in the back. He would have had to jump over it.
SHE: I really don’t remember the geography of their backyard. To be continued.

HE: Is it just me, or this is a tiresome exchange between Angel and Buffy? I got a little bored.
SHE: Yes, you would. They’re having a long, painful talk about their relationship, and you pull a guy.
HE: Angel loves to visit mental torture. Buffy really shouldn’t complain about anything he does, then. ‘Cause it could be worse! “I’m sorry I forgot your birthday. On the other hand, hey! at least I didn’t eviscerate your family, like I did that other girl’s!”
SHE: So he should get credit for the bad things he doesn’t do? That’s messed up.

Buffy Steps In

SHE: Easiest date-asking ever.
HE: Ford has the Riley haircut. Did you notice?
SHE: No. A proto-Riley, maybe. He actually reminds me of Parker.
HE: Another douchebag. Look! they’re having a teacher appreciation night! I’d be like, “Shit! Do I have to go?”
SHE: Yeah, you would say that.
HE: Show me some appreciation by leaving me alone.

HE: Xander and Willow are dressed like normal people! How often does that happen?
SHE: Never. Especially in the same scene.
HE: Everybody lies, says Ford. Sounds familiar.
SHE: Not an original concept. House says that.
HE: I can’t believe that with a body like that, Chanterelle feels the need to become one of the lonely ones.
SHE: It might be the make-up. She wears too much make-up.
HE: Does she actually think that vampires want that crap all over their fangs?
SHE: Lipstick really isn’t tasty.
HE: I heard on CSI that they used to make it with spermicetti.
SHE: Let’s not go there, shall we?


HE: Buffy: “Spike and his friends pigging out at the all you can eat moron bar.”
SHE: This one had many great lines in it. I liked that one a lot.
HE: As outraged as he is, Buffy cannot get over Marvin’s outfit.
SHE: It’s disconcerting. She has to stop mid-rant. “Could you be wearing a dorkier outfit?”
HE: “…a demon sets up shop in your old house,” Oh, and by the way, vampires are big liars. She left out that part.
SHE: I was kind of amazed Angel didn’t tell them that before. Like they’ve got a sense of the social contract.
HE: Not followers of Rousseau. More like Hobbes or Machiavelli.
SHE: "Nasty, brutish, and short."
HE: Nice Leviathan reference.

HE: This brain cancer thing is a nifty twist on the bad guy cliché…Joss is just as good at the little shockers as he is the big ones.
SHE: I don’t feel sorry for him.
HE: You don’t feel sorry for a guy with terminal brain cancer?
SHE: Not in this respect, no.
HE: Hmm. I like how Buffy gets her existentialist on…we do have choices!
SHE: She doesn’t back down, either. She’s saddened, but she doesn’t compromise her position.

HE: A car screeching? Must be Spike!
SHE: He makes an effort to be timely, and that should be commended.
HE: Buffy: “This is not the mother ship!” No doubt, Buffy! Flashlight! Neon light! Spotlight!
SHE: Free your mind and your ass will follow?
HE: A-to-mic dog! Bow wow wow, yippee-yo, yippee-yay!

Take Them All!

SHE: Spike is very leaderly here.
HE: Hard not to be with that idiot crew of his. Buffy’s like, where do I start?
SHE: But she was cunning. She knew enough to go after Drusilla.
HE: Crappy wire work, guys! That leap looked bad, I’m afraid to say.
SHE: She didn’t quite make it to the top.

HE: At least you couldn’t see the wires. I understand that they were on a schedule and didn’t have a lot of time for retakes, but they should have made time for that one. I liked the ashtray line, though.
SHE: Drusilla doesn’t put up much of a fight here, being weak and all.
HE: Why did Spike bring her along, anyway? That was just dumb.
SHE: [imitating Drusilla’s accent] She wanted a treat.
HE: I love how she turns one-syllable words into two. Or possibly three. This is technically not a Spike-Buffy fight, I think. They didn’t actually engage each other.
SHE: Don’t put it on there. There wasn’t even a face-off. Blows were not exchanged, sweetie. Although she did win her fight with Ford.
HE: Yeah, whatever. Douchebags don’t get a sidebar widget.

Lie To Me

SHE: There’s no reward for Ford.
HE: So they buried Ford in Sunnydale. Convenient for Buffy.
SHE: She leaves flowers and sticks around to stake him. That’s a first.
HE: I still can’t believe that I didn’t recognize that vampire as Ford. So that means that Spike kept his word to him. I think that’s why I didn’t put it together. I would have just assumed that they wouldn’t have turned him.
SHE: Did you see them walk away from Ford’s grave, honey?
HE: No. I just can’t get over Spike keeping his word to somebody that annoyed him so much. I guess they got bored in the bomb shelter.
Maybe he thought it would really bother Buffy if her friend came back as a vampire.
Then it never should have happened at the end of the episode. Because Buffy would have needed time to react emotionally to the turning. I don’t think it’s a strong ending.
I’d just like to point out in Spike’s defense that he often keeps his word. You just don’t like Ford. In your world, you shouldn’t have to keep your word to a douchebag.
HE: Whoa! Where did that come from? I just thought when she went back to Club Dead and saw Ford’s body, that was it.
SHE: She was just fine with standing there outside his grave, waiting to stake him.
HE: Let him turn first, and then kill him? That’s kind of a moral cop-out. This episode ends on a very disturbing note.
SHE: This is Joss Whedon. Sometimes quirky things happen, and over the next few episodes, they start to make sense.
HE: “Nothing’s ever simple anymore,” Buffy says. And she’s saying this in Season 2. OMG.

Giles: Yes, it’s terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true. The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats. And we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies and everybody lives happily ever after.
Buffy: Liar.

Next Time: The Dark Age.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Season Two, Episode Six


A Pumpkin Patch

HE: This was a very short introduction…no dialogue even!
SHE: No pumpkins were hurt in the making of this Buffy episode.
HE: Not true. The vampire lands on one.
SHE: It was CGI.
HE: That’s not how they roll in Pop’s Pumpkin Patch. This scene addresses another ongoing Buffy issue, though: How is it that vampires show up on film, but not in mirrors?
SHE: There are no mirrors in video cameras.
HE: There are reflective surfaces. Just say you don’t know.

A Date

HE: Listen to the new band! That’s all you’re going to get.
SHE: I wish this town had a Bronze.
HE: Well, it doesn’t. What’s this? Angel is actually laughing at Cordy’s jokes!
SHE: I can’t believe Angel is laughing. When does he ever do that? We should count it.
HE: Meanwhile, Buffy says she wants to be one of those “girls who have time to think about nail polish and facials” …man, times have changed in 10 years. You can’t say that word now.
SHE: Why not?
HE: Because the meaning of facial has changed.
SHE: I’m going to ignore that remark. Wait, no I’m not. How are we going to speak when every word has a pornographic double meaning? You say “Good morning,” and you have titters because it now means something else.
HE: Heh heh. You said “titters.”


SHE: “Sugar-hyped little runts” ? Sounds like parenthood.
HE: For all his faults, Snyder does a lot of reaching out to the community, what with his pool of slave labor and all.
SHE: Reminds me of something else. Which episode was it when they were chanting “fresh fish” at the freshmen coming to school?
HE: And one of the kids burrowed to freedom from his locker using only a rock ax?
SHE: Time and pressure.
HE: The ENTRAIN sticker will block it from the warden, I mean principal. What is ENTRAIN, anyway? I thought it was going to be the name of a band appearing.
SHE: Of course you did. Because you stopped the disc to stare at it for ten minutes. Joss Whedon needs to put little arrows on the stuff that’s actually important. Oh wait. He put actors in the show.
HE: ENTRAIN rhymes with Ethan Rayne. Coincidence?

HE: Halloween is “dead for the undead.” Take a note there. That’s important.
SHE: I would love to put on a fantabulous gown and go to a ball. That’s important.
HE: Hey, we can go to the Bronze that’s magically coming to town.
SHE: Very droll, as Giles would say. Xander actually gets upset with Buffy here.
HE: His manhood was…well, decimated, really. What there was of it, anyway.
SHE: It didn’t take long.
HE: So get this. Xander wants Dr. Pepper. Doesn’t get it. Wants to beat Larry. Not going to happen. Buffy takes care of Larry, and then gets a DIET Dr. Pepper. Is there a hidden meaning there?
SHE: It’s the karmic answer to Xander’s problem. The girls he hangs out with are stronger than he is, so he might as well be drinking the diet, too.
HE: They all are. Without exception. Anya, Ampata, Preying Mantis Lady, Buffy, Willow…they all are.

HE: Someone should tell Willow that she can take off her backpack when she sits down.
SHE: I like Buffy’s plaid pants.
HE: Cordelia is looking good, as usual…very preppy.
SHE: Cordelia the slayer?
HE: “…But when it comes to dating, I’m the slayer.” You know, when it comes to grammar, I’m the slayer.
SHE: When it comes to knitting, I’m the slayer.

The Costume Shop

HE: Halloween is a time for being “sexy and wild with no repercussions.” …I thought that was what roofies were for.
SHE: What? That’s horrible! I’m going to slip you a roofie.
HE: What’s horrible is the message Buffy takes out of Halloween.

HE: It’s interesting that Xander represses by dressing up as a military guy.
SHE: I thought he was just going for cheap.
HE: Absolutely. It’s like he’s subconsciously trying to refight his battle with Larry by becoming a military man.

HE: Why the long face, Ethan? Oh ho ho ho.
SHE: Huh?
HE: He’s got a really long face.
SHE: Cute. I thought the dress was lovely. Did you like the dress?
HE: Not into that style. Nor am I into Ethan with the silk shirt.
SHE: Ethan is caught in the Eighties. That’s part of his evil.

Someone New

SHE: Nice to see mounted TVs in vampire lairs.
HE: Spike susses out his competition here. He’s the resourceful one.
SHE: Very scholarly. You have to respect that.
HE: And he delegates well. He didn’t need to go out to the cemetery to get that footage.
SHE: Spike’s Management Secrets, available in fine bookstores everywhere. And Amazon.

SHE: Here’s newbie Ethan with the Janus statue.
HE: “Chaos, I remain, as ever, thy faithful, degenerate son.”
SHE: I’ve tasted Chaos. It was bitter with an oaky flavor. Goes well with fruit.
HE: That was a cool tilt and pan from the female to the male side of the statue.
SHE: I missed it.
HE: Sigh.


HE: Can you imagine if Willow had decided to go with the slut costume instead? Watch out, Sunnydale!
SHE: But the slut costume didn’t come from Ethan’s shop.
HE: Was it one of Buffy’s outfits? Is Buffy the slut?

HE: Xander shouldn’t be staring at Willow’s Boo. That’s ill-mannered.
SHE: Eyes up here, buddy. I wouldn’t let high schoolers take kids to go trick or treating. My husband leaving it for me to do is so much better.
HE: Trust me, you wouldn’t want me doing it, either. Unless your idea of Halloween fun is for me to go to CVS and have the kids wait in the car. Say, what is that costume supposed to be…a crab? A lobster, maybe?

HE: Oz has an ‘entrain’ sticker in his locker. Just like Willow has on hers?
SHE: That becomes very important later in the episode.
HE: Does it?
SHE: No.
HE: I like Oz’s one-liners. Especially when he’s laconic: “Jeez, you’re like a great big cat.”
SHE: The fun part is that Cordelia takes his comment at face value and starts to explain it.
HE: “Why can’t I meet a nice girl like that?” says Oz. Then misses Willow again for the bajillionth time.


SHE: You know what occurred to me as we were watching him do this incantation in Latin? I should learn Latin and curse all my enemies.
HE: Latin is the official language of spooky monsters.
SHE: You should start counting the times they use Latin.
HE: It may not be as much as one might think, because I seem to remember a bunch of older languages and crypto-languages being mentioned. Latin’s relatively new.
SHE: It’s not as old as Ancient Sumerian.
HE: At least Ethan is using classical Latin pronunciation, and not ecclesiastical. This way we know he has incantation cred.
SHE: It really burns my faggot when they do that.
HE: Um…
SHE: I was looking for something Roman-y to say.
HE: Did you notice the overhead candled circle shot during the incantation? That’s a Whedon favorite.
SHE: You wouldn't happen to know the Latin, would you?
HE: I'm so glad you asked! [Scroll down...making tables is hard.]

Janus, evoco vester animum.Janus, I summon your spirit.
Exaudi meam causamHear my cause.
Carpe noctem pro consilium vestremTake this night for your plans.
Vene, appare...Come, appear... nobis monstra quod est infinita potestas...and show us infinite power.
Persona intra...The characters (masks) within...
...corpem et sanguem commutandum est....are transformed into body and blood.
Vestra sancta praesentia conscrecit visceram!Your holy presence consecrates the flesh!
Janus! Sume noctem!Janus! Seize the night!

New Personalities

SHE: If certain children were already monsters, what do they turn into?
HE: You mean a monster putting on a monster costume?
Same as everyone else, I’d imagine. Depends on the costume.
SHE: It wouldn’t turn into a monster times two? Monster Squared?
HE: Magic works the same for everyone. It’s the great equalizer. It takes a while longer for the teenagers to transform. Probably because they’re bigger.
SHE: Xander makes a convincing soldier. Or not.
HE: Apparently real soldiers only speak in monotone. And hello—it’s not a machine gun, subtitles! it’s an M-16 rifle.
SHE: Silly subtitles.

Halloween Terror

HE: Not much recoil on that rifle. And take it easy, Xander…those cartridges only have 30 rounds.
SHE: Spike’s right. It is neat.
HE: He must really think so. He’s walking around, all vamped out. There’s a lot of really nifty small touches in this sequence, if you’re paying attention.
SHE: Oh, here we go. What’d I miss?
HE: Well, there’s Cordelia “Thanks” to Xander when he gives her his jacket. Touch of surprise there.
SHE: You could tell she kind of liked Army Xander.
HE: Did you notice that Xander had tats?
SHE: Missed it.
HE: Of course, there’s the situational irony with Cordelia saying, “Who died and made her the boss?” as Willow walks through the wall behind her back.
SHE: That was funny.
HE: And that was quite a sneakup Willow puts on Giles.
SHE: I thought Giles had wet himself. One moment he’s cross-referencing, and the next he’s all pee-pee pants.
HE: Cordelia’s awesome at summarizing the action for latecomers: “They don’t know who they are. Everyone’s turned into a monster. It’s a whole big thing. How are you?” And in case you missed it, Giles takes a look at Willow’s outfit and says, “The ghost of what, exactly?”
SHE: She’s the Ghost of Slutoween Future, Giles!”

Ethan’s Costume Shop

HE: Spike’s talking to kids. Only he doesn’t know they’re kids.
SHE: He’s leading the tiny troops. He seizes opportunities when they present themselves.

HE: Yar. It’s Larry the Pirate. Say, did you notice—
SHE: From Ethan’s Costume Shop? The sign that said “Check your bags with the cashier”?
HE: When Willow leaves the shop…the curtain moves when she brushes against it.
SHE: I did notice that. Very unghost-like. And she goes around Giles. You can go through him, too.
HE: It’s rude for ghosts to just walk through people. And Willow isn’t rude.
SHE: Did you notice when Ethan said “Hello, Ripper”?
HE: Yeah. What was that about? (I’m being facetious. I know what it’s about.)

HE: Look…Xander gets his revenge on Larry, and saves Buffy as she saved him.
SHE: Aw, the circle of beating each other up.
HE: “It’s strange, but beating up that pirate gave me a weird sense of closure.”
SHE: Yar.

Old Friends

SHE: What? Giles isn’t innocent and good? Did you notice that part?
HE: Actually, I was preoccupied. You know what the name Ethan Rayne reminds me of?…Chocolate Rain…
SHE: Please stop.
HE: I like the idea being pushed out here. “Quite a little act you’ve got going here,” says Ethan. Scoffs at the idea of him being the “tweed-clad guardian of the slayer.”
SHE: But he is!
HE: I thought this was extremely well-written. Giles, too, has been wearing a mask, just like most everyone else in this episode. He says he has become his act. Which is exactly what is happening in this episode to some of the characters. Cordelia, on the other hand, is who she is. She doesn’t change.

HE: DAMN, Giles! sucker punch! That was cool.
SHE: You like this mask Giles has on?
HE: The mask is what he takes off to punch him.
SHE: But his secret remains safe. He sends Willow away when he decides to whomp on him.

Cordelia: “Oh, faboo. More clinging.”

Breaking the Spell

HE: Giles should be an Army interrogator. At Guantanamo!
SHE: Geez, waterboard much, Giles?
HE: That would have taken too long. Better just to kick Ethan when he’s down. Of course, he was being a smart ass. “Say pretty please.” So he kind of deserved it.

HE: “Hi, honey. I’m home.”
SHE: It’s good to be me, she says. She’s learned a valuable life lesson.
HE: That round goes to Buffy. She’s now 1-0-1 against Spike, according to my statistics. Spike definitely left the field.
SHE: Again, Spike doesn’t get staked. His skedaddle was fast, but not that fast.
HE: And Angel, of course, just hangs back. La la.
SHE: They just don’t recognize a threat when they see one.

HE: Willow breaks the spell of her timidity, and voila, here comes Oz!
SHE: I think she was just too tired to care anymore.
HE: Fatigue does enter into many life decisions. Look! Oz’s van has the steering wheel on the right side. What’s that all about?
HE: Trippy. And when she’s asking who’s that girl, we’re still asking: “Who is that guy?”

A Real Girl

HE: I know that you would like to be a “fancy girl.” Am I correct?
SHE: I would love to wear a dress like that once. Just to know what it was like.
HE: I’m sure they’re available at costume shops, whale-bone shops, and, I would suspect, certain fetish websites. Sounds painful.

HE: Giles comes back to find the shop abandoned, but Ethan’s no fool…he took the stock with him.
SHE: I noticed that too. He needed that merchandise.
HE: “Be Seeing You” says the ominous note. But what I liked best was Ethan’s logo with the drama masks.

Next Time: "Lie To Me."