Saturday, November 29, 2008

School Hard

Season Two, Episode Two


SHE comes in from the kitchen with more pie, and says, “Oh, are we starting?” HE understands that this is Thanksgiving humor, and grants her a courtesy laugh. In this episode, Spike makes his Buffy debut. Nuf sed.

The Slayer’s Soiree

SHE: What kind of reaching out is this—making juvenile delinquents help?
HE: It’s a surefire way to insure that the evening is a disaster. Who better to put in charge of parent-teacher night than a student who stabbed a horticulture teacher with pruning shears?
SHE: Why did guidance put Sheila into horticulture in the first place if she had issues?
HE: I can answer that. No doubt guidance doesn’t think horticulture is a real class, and they treat it like a dumping ground for the scum of the school, like they do with art and music.

HE: Sheila is the proto-Faith—did you notice? She dresses like a skank, she loves cars, and she’s a brunette.
SHE: That’s right! But I didn’t know Faith loved cars. I thought she loved knives.
HE: I don’t think it’s as much the car itself, but what you can do in the car.
SHE: Thank you for that clarification.

HE: What’s with Xander’s gigantic purse? There’s no getting around the fact that that is a purse.
SHE: Look at his shirt. I dropped my pie! Wait, I don’t care anymore because here comes Spike!
HE: We don’t know it at the time, but this is an iconic moment. Spike running over the “Welcome to Sunnydale” sign. Junka junka, junka junka…I forgot about the guitar riffs.
SHE: I was ecstatic when I saw the Caddy.
HE: Dang, he’s already vamped out when he gets out of the car. And his first words in the series?
SHE: What?
HE: “Home sweet home.” Are you kidding? Am I going to be the one who documents all of Spike’s firsts? I can admit I have a mancrush on him, but…
SHE: I was too busy shouting “Yes!”

Spike and Drusilla

SHE: Spike can kill me for fun.
HE: I guess I deserve this after all my Cordelia comments.
SHE: Ah, Nancyboy—that’s your insult, sweetie!
HE: I love Spike’s comment about the crucifixion. That’s such a perfectly withering jibe to make about wannabes.:

If every vampire who said he was at the crucifixion was actually there, it would have been like Woodstock.

SHE: We don’t get to see his normal face until Drusilla walks up to him.
HE: And yet we know she so seldom has a calming effect on him.

HE: “Who am I kidding? I love to brag!” I love how much fun Spike has doing his job.
SHE: He really enjoys his work.
HE: Watch out, Drusilla and the Anointed one are having a creep-out contest. Drusilla’s got that cat-stare-at-nothing look going, so I have to go with her on this one.
SHE: I like Drusilla’s creepiness more. The Anointed One is a tired thing at this point.
HE: I sincerely believe Joss Whedon felt that, too. There is a sea change in this episode that you can trace throughout, what with the changing of the guard, and the reemphasis on fun, not ritual…

No More Disappointments

HE: Joyce should call the school and get Buffy’s scores if she’s so worried about it. Nowadays you can go online and get them.
SHE: Yes, but this was back in the Dark Ages. Besides, it’s sweet to watch her parent.
HE: Right, but again I say, if she was so worried, she could have picked up the phone and called, oh, I don’t know, a teacher!
SHE: That wouldn’t have made a very interesting plot point.

HE: Do you like Buffy’s pajamas? They have flowers, watering cans, and shovels on them.
SHE: Was that on purpose?
HE: I suppose she wears pajamas every night on purpose.
SHE: No! Is that her latent support for horticulture?
HE: What? I blanked out when you said “whore.”

The Night of St. Vigius

SHE: Spotted it first! Scooby t-shirt on Willow!
HE: What did it look like?
SHE: It was just Scooby. Aren’t you going to tell us the significance of that shirt?
HE: Um, no, I think I’ll let you do it.
SHE: It’s one of the things you find out in Buffy trivia. They don’t start talking about themselves as the Scooby gang, but they kind of flow into it. You must be tired or something.
HE: Actually, I was focused on how the order never accurately calculated the Mesopotamian calendar, according to Jenny. And Miss Calendar should know about calendars, waah wahh.

HE: Why is Buffy covering for Sheila?
SHE: Because that’s what bad kids do. They cover for each other. Honor among thieves.
HE: None of what you said applies to reality, my dear.
SHE: Well, this show was set in the nineties. It was different back then.
HE: Kinder and gentler, what with the bicycles built for two.
SHE: You’re thinking 1890’s.
HE: Taffy pulls. Sunday school picnics. The Teapot Dome Scandal.
SHE: Okay, you can stop now. And the Teapot Dome Scandal happened in the 1920's, wiseass.

HE: Hey, there’s new music at the Bronze.
SHE: Can’t believe they take homework to the Bronze.
HE: That lead singer wears glasses.
SHE: He looks like an engineering student. What was the name of the group?
HE: Nickel, I believe. Their poster was conveniently posted behind the band as they were performing. Joss likes to do that. He likes to plug the band on a poster, or a sticker in a locker, or something like that during the show itself.

HE: Xander is wearing a shirt that does not suck in this scene.
SHE: I wondered about that. Then I thought it may have been a trick of lighting.
HE: You are as correct as you are beautiful. We should assume that his shirt sucked as always, and that any non-suckage was an optical illusion.
SHE: Yes, that’s best.

The Vampire’s Prophecy

HE: Spike’s first visit to the Bronze occurs here.
SHE: And I wonder if the menu has the Bloomin’ Onion yet.
HE: It’s downright mean to talk about The Outback during the show.

HE: I enjoy how Spike watches and scouts before he tangles with somebody.
SHE: It’s really very intelligent of him. Why does Buffy just let him walk off?
HE: Beats me. Miles to go and promises to keep, I guess.

SHEILA: [notices her two companions are missing] What happened to them?
SPIKE: They got sleepy.

HE: Lookie here! Angel knows Spike!
SHE: Intrigue! But I’m only fake-intrigued by this development, because I already know how Angel knows Spike.
HE: We all know how Angel knows Spike.
SHE: What I don’t understand is how unhelpful Angel is for someone who was called by the Powers That Be to help.
HE: Thank you for that. It’s like Angel got the cosmic equivalent of jury duty being sent to this Hellmouth, and he’s only going to do what he absolutely has to, nothing more.
SHE: He really is mailing it in.
HE: Did you notice the bit about the nature of the Hellmouth and how it perks up the vampires? It’s like a spa, like Baden Baden or something.
SHE: It’s convenient to have all those teenagers on the Hellmouth.
HE: Like “Happy Meals with legs,” as Spike would say.


HE: Jenny with her hair up isn’t nearly as hot.
SHE: I am loving Miss Calendar’s updo. I think she looks fabulous.
HE: Sarah Palin kind of ruined the updo for me.
SHE: Yes, but you must watch the show in the context of the time.
HE: Dang, that was a very historical criticism-like thing for you to say.
SHE: I do love to criticize.

HE: That’s a neat outfit Cordelia’s wearing. Very Eastern.
SHE: I love how she’s there to insult, even when things are very bad.
HE: She will insult you through thick and thin, through good times and bad. She’s always there for you…with an insult. She says she’s going to get her legs waxed…think she does it anywhere else?
SHE: This is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, not Sex in the City.

HE: Yeah, but do you think she does? Okay, what’s with the facial expression?

Parent-Teacher Night

HE: Their parent-teacher night looks about as well-attended as ours.
SHE: There’s what, seven people there?
HE: More if you count the vampires. But they probably didn’t sign up for times.

William the Bloody

HE: William the Bloody was known for torturing his victims with railroad spikes. What do you make of that?
SHE: Lots of misinformation in this episode. I don’t think the railroad spikes ever get mentioned again.
HE: It makes me think of Promontory Point, Utah, and the Transcontinental railroad.
SHE: It makes me think of my trip to Chicago last summer on the train.
HE: Because you traveled on a spike?
SHE: Because you mentioned trains. This is a great episode, and we’re stuck on railroad spikes.

HE: Spike may be only 200, but he’s 2-0 vs. slayers. That’s a record you can’t argue with.
SHE: But Giles doesn’t tell her this before she faces him.
HE: Why, is that kind of thing important?
SHE: It’s probably best she doesn’t know.

The Party Crashers

SHE: Xander does a lot of non-comprehending what he’s supposed to do, although his shirt could probably be a first good attack.
HE: To daze and distract the opponent? Or just reduce their morale to a shambling heap?
SHE: I think it’s hard to fight when you’re barfing.

HE: The vampire Spike’s talking to looks like he has jaundice. Many vampires have this affliction, I’ve noticed, but not our favorite ones.
SHE: I think it’s all in their diet. The stronger they are, the better pickings they have regularly. You know there’s got to be weakling vampires out there who can barely kill mice.

HE: Oh no! They’ve cut the phones…no one can arrange a salon appointment to fix Jenny’s hair!
SHE: I think Jenny’s hair is perfectly fine.
HE: Well, you’re wrong.
SHE: Says the man who wants to cut his own hair at every opportunity.
HE: Ain’t no beautician gonna tell me how to do me!
SHE: You got that from a movie.
HE: Yeah, okay. Sort of. Drumline. I stand by my statement.

Buffy Takes Over

SHE: This was a very tense sequence. I was nervous, and I had seen it before.
HE: Where the hell is Angel? You’d think he’d show up to face his old nemesis.
SHE: Slacking off. I have to ask—do they still have axes in cabinets at school?
HE: No. I think I speak for many education professionals when I say I’d rather see the building burn down than see a teenager with an axe.

False Allies

SHE: Does this count as another sneak-up on Buffy?
HE: No, because in order to count, Buffy 1) cannot know that the sneaker was there, and 2) she has to jump or otherwise express surprise once the sneak-up has concluded. Neither of these conditions have been met.
SHE: She did seem surprised that Sheila had become a vampire.

HE: Xander as bait! I love it! Don’t really know what purpose it served, but I love it.
SHE: Usually Xander’s giving it to Angel.
HE: Seriously, what was the point of all that?
SHE: Angel was trying to make Spike think he was still Angelus. Thus giving Angel the excuse to walk around with Xander in a headlock.
HE: I like how Angel didn’t bother to fill Xander in on the plan. “Undead liar guy,” he says. What a doof. So Spike doesn’t know Angel has a soul. I thought he knew.
SHE: Oh, he knew. In that scene Spike knew.
HE: Alright, then my point is this: How could Angel not know that Spike knew already?
SHE: Uh…lack of working at it, like everything else? Like I said, just an excuse to put Xander in a headlock.
HE: Who says Angel doesn’t have fun?

Face Off

HE: Spike calls Angel an “Uncle Tom.” Dang, that’s quite an insult.
SHE: Of course, young viewers today wouldn’t get that reference.
HE: Sadly, you’re correct.

HE: Here’s another first! The first Buffy-Spike fight!
SHE: I sense tension between Spike and Buffy.
Let’s focus on the fight, turbo. How would you score it?
SHE: Buffy won.
HE: No way! I’d say it was a draw…although I’d have to say that Spike was ahead on points when Joyce broke up the match.
SHE: What an ending to a fight scene.
HE: Yeah, the mother of one of the combatants interferes and stops the match. I think I saw this on WWE Raw once. I’m going to declare that Spike is 0-0-1 v. Buffy.

A Little More Fun

SHE: Snyder knows about vampires. Now we know he’s evil.
HE: Worst. Conspiracy. Ever. It’s interesting how early in the series, Whedon has everyone still somewhat oblivious to all these supernatural goings-on, and then later it just becomes one of those extremely poorly-kept secrets that everyone already knows about.

SHE: I like how Spike calls that kid “the Annoying One.”
HE: The book on the annoying kid has been closed, mirabile dictu. That was truly awesome. No wonder Spike wasn’t killed off, as he was originally supposed to have been.
SHE: Bravo.

HE: The feast was ruined by Spike’s impatience! A trend is born.
SHE: We could put a scoreboard up for that one, too.
HE: “Spike Gets Impatient”? You may have something there.

HE: “Let’s see what’s on TV.” After all the tumult, this is a great ending line.
SHE: Very anti-climactic. I bet they watched “Passions.”

Next time on Hellmouth Follies: “Inca Mummy Girl.”

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Some Assembly Required

Season Two, Episode Two


Happy Thanksgiving, Hellmouthers! SHE is excited about all the pie coming around the bend while HE is thrilled at the prospect of not being around teenagers for four straight days. In this episode, we learn about how to pick up a techno-pagan, the multifarious uses for a cake pan, and the dread implications of “doing the wacky.”

On the Hunt

SHE: 3, 2, 1…everyone can sneak up on Buffy! I haven’t snuck up on Buffy yet, but we still have five seasons to go.
HE: This is the first time Angel gets the drop on Buffy. He’s been notoriously unable to do that. Everybody else has.
SHE: That’s true.

SHE: Cool with the shovel.
HE: Question. How did that shovel get dusted? Did the shovel belong to him?
SHE: I didn’t notice that. The same reason their clothes get dusted? There’s obviously some combustion going on and the other stuff gets burned up really fast.
HE: But not jewelry. At least, not all the time. Only when the plot calls for it.
SHE: Whedon’s universe is selective and unpredictable.

HE: I like when Angel says, “Whenever we fight, you always bring up the vampire thing.” It’s like it’s no big deal, really. It’s just a bias Buffy needs to get over already.
SHE: Like he’s Mexican or something. Maybe he really does think their differences are superficial.
HE: You can’t be serious.
SHE: He can’t exactly be sane anymore. He’s 241 years old. He’s obviously lost perspective.

Grave Robbing

HE: Giles practicing on his pickup lines…
SHE: With his back to the door. That never will end well.
HE: I happen to like the word indecorous. I don’t see the problem.
SHE: You never use the word indecorous.
HE: I think it’s highly indecorous for you to suggest I never use the word indecorous.
SHE: You’re not being amenable.
HE: Amenable to what?
SHE: Your…indecoriety? Is that a word?
HE: It is now.

HE: Librarian…that embarrassing fact.
SHE: I didn’t know we were embarrassed by librarians.
HE: Are you embarrassed to be a librarian?
SHE: Nope.
HE: ‘Cause I think it’s really hot. All those books and that shushing.

HE: Mr. Korshak was the name of the vampire? Oh! oh oh oh oh, Mr. Kotter!
SHE: Not Horshack. Korshak.
HE: Oh.


SHE: “Love makes you do the wacky.”
HE: Did that pearl strike you as a little bit forced?
SHE: No. Seems like something a teenager would say.
HE: No teenager I know.
SHE: Well, you see them all day every day. It makes sense in TV world.
HE: “No one should have to do anything educational in school if they don’t want to.” Now that sounds like something I would hear.
SHE: I wonder what she was going to do to prove a tomato was a fruit or a vegetable.
HE: What would you do? It’s not like they could go on Wikipedia.
SHE: It wasn’t invented yet. This episode made me feel old. Eric snaps the photos. He develops the photos. He hangs up the photos.
HE: Oh my god! You just made me feel old, too! Thanks a lot! Of course, I didn’t really get into photography until after the digital age anyway.
SHE: I know how to use a 35mm.
HE: The fact that you know how to use a 35mm is probably the equivalent of running a nuclear sub in today’s techno-world.

HE: What’s with “yearbook nerds don’t come out of hibernation until spring”?
SHE: Apparently they only work on their yearbook in the spring.
HE: As a yearbook faculty adviser, I take exception to this portrayal of yearbook people.
SHE: Well, librarians are “embarrassing,” so I’m not going to back you up there.

HE: Why doesn’t Buffy dig the hole? She could have had the whole thing dug by now.
SHE: I thought it was funny. “I’m an old-fashioned gal. I was raised to believe that men dig up the corpses and women have the babies.” I also love the fact that no one ever patrols the cemetery. You see cars go by, but no one stops to say, “Hey, stop shoveling.”
HE: I don’t think too much of Sunnydale civic pride.
SHE: Yes, they’re rather jaded.

Cheerleader Fear

HE: Dang, Cordelia. What does she do here--drop the keys, then kick them under the car?
SHE: I recognized Angel’s shoes. Is that bad?
HE: I don’t know how to interpret that. But seriously, what kind of idiot kicks the keys under the car?
SHE: This is why she makes good bait. She’s the catalyst for action in every episode.

HE: When Cordelia climbs out of the dumpster, at least she didn’t say, “Give me a hand, would ya?”
SHE: That would have seemed a little bit cutesy.
HE: I would have said it.
SHE: Of course you would have.

HE: Hee hee. “Why are terrible things always happening to me?”
SHE: As she lays her head on Angel’s shoulder. Poor Cordelia!
HE: Cordy looked back to see if Xander was watching. Did you notice that?
SHE: No, I did not. Interesting.

The Perfect Girl

HE: I was intrigued by the idea of techno-pagan pick-up lines.
SHE: Do you have any?
HE: Why, yes, I do. For instance, “Your body makes me press alt-control-delete.”
SHE: You’re nutty.
HE: “Is that an Orb of Thessala in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
SHE: Waah waah waah.
HE: “If I told you that you had a lot of RAM, would you let me wave my magic bone over it?”
SHE: Oh, God. Can we move on?
HE: That’s a nice outfit Jenny’s wearing.

SHE: Sweet! Giles got a date!
HE: Jenny loves the football! Whatever it is you want to tell me, you can tell me over sex!
SHE: That conversation did not happen. These are responsible adults.
HE: Giles may be a responsible adult, but I think Jenny is kind of wild.
SHE: They’re very compatible in the fact that they’re completely opposite.
HE: I mean, come on. Pagan plus piercings plus gypsy plus attracted to football…
SHE: Equals what?
HE: Can’t you see my eyebrows going up and down? The universal sign of wicka wicka waah?

Getting a Head

HE: Come on, someone pay attention to Xander and his skull jokes already!
SHE: All he does in this episode is make jokes.
HE: I feel bad for him. And that never happens.

SHE: I think they should have used Buffy’s head.
HE: No, it would have looked strange on that body. Too small.
SHE: Like one of your Photoshop attempts?
HE: Okay, that’s just mean.

HE: I got a little freaked out when Eric used the phrase, “the whole package.”
SHE: Why?
HE: I’m hoping that these girls don’t have packages, otherwise Eric and Chris are creepier than I thought.
SHE: Eww!
HE: Thank you very much. I’ll be here all week!

Chris’s Promise

SHE: Why is it that the Bud Bundy look-a-like is more evil?
HE: I think it’s the velvet pullover he’s wearing.
SHE: That makes him evil?
HE: Evil for wearing it.
SHE: I think Daryl’s issue is who stitched him up. He looks terrible. Slap some foundation on him, get that metal out of him, and send him to some speed dating.
HE: Give him a break. He smells really bad, I’m sure.
SHE: He needs a complete Beauty Control consultation.
HE: I can’t believe you just plugged them on our blog.
SHE: He could go to my beauty page and order online.
HE: Stop it!

Musical Interlude:
Rob Zombie's "Superbeast"

Looking for Chris

HE: The mother is creepy. She reminds me of that one cartoon lady with all the cats. Like on an old person’s coffee mug.
SHE: The one in the housecoat that’s always smoking?
HE: Yeah! That’s the one. She totally freaks me out on a very visceral level. I can’t explain it.

HE: Here’s Chris and Buffy. Would that have counted as a sneak-up? I can’t believe a zombie almost got the drop on her.
SHE: You’d think she would have smelled him or something.

The Chosen One

SHE: Cordelia shouldn’t be in the locker room. Locker room=death.
HE: For all the times she’s been in the locker room, I have been greatly disappointed by the lack of brassiere shots.
SHE: She was putting on lipstick.
HE: I suppose that’ll have to do. I never get what I want.

SHE: Great kick Buffy gives Eric.
HE: How exactly did Eric survive that kick? She must have held back.
SHE: Didn’t she get him in the head?
HE: Anyway, Buffy saves Cordelia. Everything back to normal.

HE: Whoa…Cordelia’s the apex. She’s not a fatty, but why is she on top?
SHE: Must you ask?
HE: Bear with me. The tiny ones go on top. Everybody knows that.

Daryl’s Desire

HE: Daryl’s got post-mortem rage.
SHE: Everyone once loved him, and now he’s all alone.
HE: Check that. Daryl’s got post-mortem depression.
SHE: His head looks like a football. If your head looked like a stitched-up football, you’d be a mess, too.
HE: I wonder if Joss did that on purpose.

HE: “Unadorned aggression,” says Jenny. This is what I’m talking about. Oh yeah, she gets around.
SHE: I don’t think she gets around. I think she just understands the aggression.
HE: She’s a wild child. I’m telling you.

HE: Dang, Giles bought a ton of shit. He can’t even carry it all.
SHE: He has no arms to make out with.
HE: Then Willow and Xander show up. You know there’s a phrase for that—
SHE:: Don’t say it.

HE: For a second there I thought we were going to have an upskirt of Cordy. Got excited.
SHE: You got excited?
HE: Then it turns out she’s just going to the Gatorade hidden underneath the bleachers. Why would you put the Gatorade underneath the bleachers? It makes no sense.
SHE: It makes kidnapping the cheerleaders easier. A-duh!


HE: Hey Eric, not the most efficient way to disconnect a head! Use the bonesaw, for Pete’s sake!
SHE: What was with the cake pan? What were they going to do with the cake pan? It made me think of that movie from the ‘50s where the husband kept the wife’s head alive, and her head sat in a cake pan. Do you know the one I’m thinking of?
HE: The Thing That Wouldn’t Die. Of course I remember it! An MST3K classic!

HE: I can’t believe Eric managed to throw that knife without hurting himself.
SHE: I can’t believe he got it in the vicinity of Buffy so she could catch it. I was sure it was going to land in the ceiling.
HE: Well, maybe those yearbook nerds have something going for them after all. We throw a mean knife.

HE: And Cordelia saved by Buffy once again! Twice in one episode. I don’t give credit for this save to Xander.
SHE: No, it was Buffy. Although Cordelia has a nice scream.
HE: “Scream all you want.” Okay, don’t. Okay, now I’m going to hit you with a cake pan until you shut up.

Daryl’s Demise

SHE: With Chris’s theological issues, he needs churching up. Playing God, ladeda-de-dah.
HE: What’s so bad about wanting to be the one who decides who lives and who dies?
SHE: No one is supposed to decide that, sweetie.
HE: What, just leave it up to chance? That’s pretty irresponsible.
SHE: Irresponsible…?
HE: That’s right. You’ve got nothing.

HE: Nice you finally showed up, Angel…so were you at the game? Did you enjoy it? Good win, huh?
SHE: In this scene, we see how Cordelia is going to have her work cut out for her if she gets with Xander.
HE: The odd thing here is, Xander isn’t even preoccupied with thoughts of Buffy in this scene. So Cordy is playing second-fiddle to what…?
SHE: Xander’s neuroses? His innate lack of self-worth?
HE: In any case, Xander just blew Cordy off.

Crazy Stuff

HE: “Love makes you do the wacky.” Kind of a trite, forced comment. Makes for a meh ending.
SHE: What’s so wrong with it?
HE: What’s wrong with it? The lesson is that love makes you do stupid stuff, right? And how was that demonstrated, exactly? Chris loved his brother, okay, but he turned on him in the end…Daryl didn’t want to be alone, but he didn’t do anything other than bully his brother and his friends…Giles and Jenny, I get that, but he was a subplot…Buffy and Angel…their doomed love affair kind of peripheral this episode…
SHE: Well, that’s just what you take away from it. Love makes you do the wacky.
HE: And the “do the wacky” part. It makes me think of someone having sex with a clown.
SHE: You need a beating.
HE: Honk, honk!

Next time: Season Two continues with “School Hard.”
Oh, and by the way,