Friday, July 18, 2008

Welcome to the Hellmouth

We are a married couple who thoroughly love the Whedonverse, in particular Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The mission (the only thing that matters, ha ha) of Hellmouth Follies is to present our take on the show. Our ultimate goal is to go through all seven seasons. Gently judge our blog! Here goes!

HE: Okay, so we’ve watched it. Again. For the how manieth time?
SHE: This is the third time I’ve seen it.
HE: The opening is weird. Isn’t Giles supposed to be doing the speech?

Aren't most girls their own monsters?

SHE: Joss misdirects in the first scene.
HE: I know this scene is meant to catch us offguard by having the virginal female turn out to be the monster, but I still feel like it was a lot of work for Darla to go through.
SHE: It’s not about a poor girl being attacked by a monster, but aren’t most girls their own monsters?
HE: Like on Bridezilla.
SHE: How do you know that?

HE: Here’s Buffy in bed.
SHE: She looks great. So young, and a bit on the chubby side.
HE: Yes, very nice. I would be very baffled by these dreams, though. Sure, I’d wake up terrified and everything, but I’d also be thinking, “Huh?”
SHE: Her hair looks fabulous. She wore it down during the day, and up at the Bronze.
HE: Because that’s really when she goes to work. And she looks like a brunette.
SHE: She gets blonder and blonder as time goes on.

HE: Xander wiping out on a skateboard.
SHE: Do you ever see Xander on a skateboard again? I don’t think you do.
HE: He probably can’t see through those bangs.
SHE: That stake looks huge. I think the stakes get smaller, too.
HE: They had a bigger budget later.
SHE: They bought a stake sharpener.
HE: Things get smaller, like cell phones.
SHE: And Buffy, as I said earlier.

They bought a stake sharpener.

HE: What about this Jesse guy?
SHE: He looks like he’s a major character. He shows up in the second scene. The fact that I can’t remember him at all indicates to me he will be dead soon.
HE: The writers even give him some clever dialogue. They hardly ever do that. I read that had it not been for budget constraints, they would have put Jesse in the opening credit montage, just to throw us off.
SHE: Joss Whedon is just mean.

HE: Bob Flutie, the first of many principals.
SHE: Actually, Sunnydale High just goes through two.
HE: Oh. It seemed like more. By the way, I hear ‘Flutie,’ and I think of Doug Flutie, the dwarf NFL quarterback.
SHE: That means nothing to me.

SHE: How old was Charisma Carpenter when she was on this show? When she reaches to shake Buffy’s hand, her hand looks old.
HE: One thing I noticed was that SMG looks better and better. CC, through this series and Angel, not so much. Her hair looks good here, though.
SHE: SMG was 20 when she was playing Buffy. She looks 14.

HE: The teacher is teaching about the Black Plague. Classes always serve the purposes of the plotwagon somehow. And have you noticed that teachers on TV always seem surprised by the bell?
SHE: Do you teach up to the bell?
HE: I’m not in mid-sentence when it rings. I tell my students that I can read a clock, too; they don’t have to tell me what time it is.

HE: Okay, what do you think about vampire nail polish?
SHE: I’m not sure what it is.
HE: James Spader?
SHE: Ehn.
HE: Frappacinos?
SHE: I like Frappacinos.

HE: John Tesh? Is he the devil?
SHE: Yeah, I think he is.
HE: I don’t think you would have passed Cordy’s Coolness test. That doesn’t seem to bother you.

HE: Here’s the body falling out of the locker. look at how that girl is freaking out.
SHE: Later in the show they think, “Oh, today must be Tuesday.”
HE: They did become mordantly jaded in a hurry. Sign of the times, I guess.

SHE: When did Willow cut her hair? The same time she got hip clothes?
HE: I can’t remember. Are those extensions?
SHE: From what I understand, her lack of coolness was intentional, and the networks said,”No, she can’t dress like that. She has to have fashionable clothes.”
HE: Sets are usually cold, so having those wool clothes must have been nice.
SHE: I didn’t know that. How did you know that?
HE: Staring at breasts, mostly.
SHE: Oh. Ee. You’re weird.

HE: Here’s Buffy breaking into the lockerroom. First time we see her superpowers.
SHE: She’s not comfortable with it, though.
HE: Probably because she’d have to pay for the door.
SHE: I mean physically. She doesn’t know her own strength.

SHE: Giles has a really cool book.
HE: It says “VAMPYR” on it. It’s from her dream.
SHE: You know what’s weird? They didn’t have better communication. She had one watcher, and he bit it. Giles knew she was coming. That’s his approach--chasing after her with a big fat vampire book?
HE: He must have went to the Windham-Pryce School of Watching.
SHE: I thought the Watcher’s Council was supposed to be organized.
HE: They should have called ahead. But Giles doesn’t like technology.
They should have called ahead.

SHE: Here’s Xander overhearing because Willow sent him to the library for a Trig book.
HE: They usually keep those things in the Math Office.
SHE: You don’t see people using the library during the series that much.
HE: I believe they call that verisimilitude.

HE: Here’s the underground lair of the Master. Why are all these vampires walking around vamped out?
SHE: Maybe they don’t know when he’s coming, and they want to look prepared.
HE: Yeah, like an inspection tour.
SHE: Jesus is coming, look busy.
HE: In the early days of the show, I remember the vampires vamping out at the slightest provocation.
SHE: They became flaccid as the series went on.

HE: Angel and Buffy’s first meeting—foot to chest.
SHE: That’s just foreshadowing. And why does he remind me of Angelus there? When does he smile again in the series?
HE: It is an uncommon occurrence. Buffy says she doesn’t want another friend, and he says, “I didn’t say I was yours.” What? Then whose?
SHE: Doyle maybe?
HE: They’re friends? I wish I knew what he was talking about.

HE: Giles going on about zombies, werewolves, incubi, succubi..
SHE: He doesn’t mention the hyena people or bug people.
HE: He hasn’t got to that chapter yet. It’s interesting that Buffy refuses the call in the library. It’s like the whole Joseph Campbell Hero of a Thousand Faces thing where the hero has to initially refuse the call before setting out on the adventure. But what prompts her into action?
SHE: He distracts her by talking about vampires. And then she sees Willow in danger with a vampire.
HE: When they’re on the catwalk, with Giles saying “look at them, completely oblivious to the danger around them,” it reminds me of later on when Spike makes Buffy watch her friends as they’re, you know. That catwalk gets a lot of action.
SHE: Spike fought a vampire he sired up there. And Willow and Amy had their magicathon up there. I'm sure there's others.
HE: What do you think of the band?
SHE: The “clown hair” guys? I thought they were a good band. Giles’s taste in music is inconsistent. He has some folksy acoustic guitar moments, but Oz goes through his record collection and thoroughly approves of everything. He was more stereotypically stodgy here.
HE: We haven’t seen the Ripper yet.


HE: Here’s Buffy, almost killing Cordelia.
SHE: She’ll wish she’d killed Cordelia over and over in later episodes.
HE: So far, both Giles and Cordy have snuck up on Buffy in this episode, but she still gets the drop on Angel. Either they’re super stealthy (smirk) or the “helper of the helpless” is super-clumsy.
SHE: Maybe he had change in his pockets. Or that crucifix necklace is really jangly.
HE: You can buy that crucifix on the Internet.
SHE: Yeah. So why don’t I already have one?

HE: Well, we’ve got to talk about The Master.
SHE: Not very scary.
HE: Pretentious nickname. What do you think about the costume?
SHE: Like a dominatrix. Only a guy.
HE: That’s a damn shiny beltbuckle he has there. I think the jacket makes him look like a dictator from the Asian Subcontinent.
SHE: He’s probably getting foreign aid from us right now.

SHE: Here’s the ultimate scene. She’s kind of shot herself in the foot running off from Giles. “One vampire I can handle,” she says. Then it turns out to be more than one. And I thought Darla was more fierce.
HE: Well, Darla does manage to get some good shots in on her. This Luke guy is kicking the crap out of her, though.
SHE: Is it psychological? Maybe Buffy doesn’t like being held up by the neck.
HE: Lost in this is the fact that the Scoobies now know what’s going on.
SHE: To be continued. I honestly don’t remember how she gets out of this. Do you?
HE: Negative. Guess we’ll have to watch “The Harvest.” That title makes me think of Children of the Corn.
SHE: Grr. Arrgh.

Coming up: "The Harvest."

1 comment:

David said...

Cool another blog in our family! That makes 6 all together! I shall put a like to this blog on my blog!

Have a bloggy day!